Instrumental Music Programme

The Instrumental Music Programme at Notre Dame College aims to establish and nurture a lifelong love of music in our students.

Through learning, listening and performing music we can appreciate the therapeutic value of music in our everyday lives. Music has intrinsic value and immeasurable capacity to act on the mind, heart, spirt and soul. The benefits of learning, singing and playing music are dynamic.

Private individual instrumental and voice lessons are available and taught by specialist tutors during school hours. These lessons are open to all Notre Dame College students, as well as St Brendan's and St Luke's Primary Schools.


Disciplines Available

Electric Bass
Music Theory
Piano / Keyboard
Violin / Viola
Voice / Singing

Programme Cost

In 2025 fees are set at $40.00 per 30 minute lesson.

Tutors administer their own billing, with payment due at the commencement of each term.

Enrolment and Administration Fee

The Instrumental Music Programme is a service provided to our families by the College that enables lessons during school time. To facilitate the programme, please note the annual enrolment and administration fee of $50 per individual student and $80 for a Family who is enrolling two or more students. This fee includes the cost of equipment maintenance and administration of the programme. A pro-rata fee is charged in the case of students enrolling mid-year or later.

Please pay $50 for an individual student or $80 for a Family of two or more students to:

Account name: Notre Dame College

BSB: 083 543 ACCOUNT: 4568 83155

REFERENCE: Child’s name MUSIC 2025

Email remittance to

For any enquiries or further information, you can contact the Instrumental Music Manager, Ms Heather Taylor at