Family holidays should be scheduled to occur during the listed school holidays, as per our “Shared Attendance Expectations”.

However, if this is not possible, a family holiday will only be recorded as an Approved Absence if:

· The College has been notified of the absence a minimum of 2 weeks in advance


· An Absence Learning Plan has been created by the Head of House/Head of Community.

Bus Travel

For students ineligible for free bus travel - Dysons have now advised that the cost of bus travel for local town and Mooroopna travellers will now be $1.40 each way, (total of $2.80 per day return).

For students who are eligible for a Bus Card - these will be distributed in Pastoral Group over the next weeks.

Emmaus Year 9 Pick up and Drop Off information

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We are excited to welcome you and your child to the Emmaus Campus for Year 9. To ensure a safe, smooth and enjoyable transition for all, please see below essential information regarding school drop-off and pick-up procedures.

School Drop-Off (AM) and Pick-Up (PM)

Access to the drop-off and pick-up zone is via entry to St. Luke’s Primary School. To ensure the safety of our students, St Luke’s students, parents and staff, please adhere to the designated drop-off and pick-up zone for Year 9 students as indicated in the map above:

  • Blue Zone – Parking, drop-off and pick-up for Year 9 students permitted in blue zone only.
  • Red ZonesDO NOT ENTER. These zones are strictly for St. Luke’s parents and buses only.

Parents/guardians are at no time permitted to stop in the roundabout, even when the traffic is stopped, to drop-off or pick up their child.

When dropping your child off or collecting them, students must use the footpath, indicated in yellow to access Emmaus or your vehicle. Students are not permitted to walk through the car park or the bus zone.

Parents/guardians are not to enter the staff carpark via Grace Road to drop off their child in the morning or collect them at the end of the day. The entry into Emmaus and the staff car park is to remain clear at all times for staff and delivery vehicles coming in and out of the campus. There are exceptions to this, such as a student on crutches or your child is late to school, and you are dropping them off.

If you are called to Emmaus to collect your child from Sick Bay or if they have a Leave Pass, you must come into Student Reception to collect your child. We cannot allow them to walk to the St. Luke’s Bus Stop or wait in the staff car park for you to collect them. This information was provided to all students last week and will be reiterated to all Year 9 students at a year level assembly on 10 February, 2024.

Kind regards,

Year 9 Programme
Notre Dame College

Emmaus Pick Up and Drop Off

Daborra 2024

Monday 4 December 2023

Dear Parent/Guardian

There has been much conversation around the continuation of our camp for our Year 9 students known as Daborra.

Earlier this year, a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement was implemented which prompted the College to undertake an extensive review of all College activities including Camps and Excursions.

This review process will extend into 2024, however I can confirm that Daborra will continue in 2024 for our Year 9 Students over 3 nights and 4 days, from Monday 18 March to Thursday 21 March 2024. Friday 22 March will be a pupil free day for Year 9 students.

The locations of the camp will be announced shortly, and students will have an opportunity to select the location they wish to attend. While all attempts to fulfill these requests will be made, no guarantees can be made.

The camp has many benefits, however its main objectives revolve around these 8 learned skills:

  1. Leadership
  2. Teamwork
  3. Problem Solving
  4. Building Social Skills
  5. Perseverance
  6. Resilience
  7. Building relationships
  8. Respect and responsibility for self and others

Over the years we have seen with Outward Bound, and now with Daborra, some students who may be feeling nervous or a little apprehensive prior to attending camp, for various reasons. However, by pushing and challenging them we see their perception of what they can achieve change, which not only benefits that student, but also brings excitement for their peers and staff working alongside them which is a rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Year 9 is an exciting time for the students, with a new campus to adjust to and Daborra. The bonding, learnings, and maturity gained from these experiences is so important to your son or daughter’s educational journey.

The teaching and support staff as well as our camp operators, Adventure Plus are very much looking forward to Daborra and from recent discussions with the students, it is certainly a highlight they are very enthusiastic about for 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Daborra, please contact Susan Sulejman at the College on 58228400 or

We would like to offer my best wishes for a safe, enjoyable and healthy festive season to all the members of the Notre Dame College community and look forward to seeing everyone back in 2024, ready to face the challenges the new year brings.

David Cuzens
Director Year 9 Programme Emmaus Campus Notre Dame College

John Cortese

Congratulations Sam Carbone

Congratulations to Notre Dame student Sam Carbone who has won the Kool Skools award for Best Instrumental Track of 2023 with his song titled "King".

Check out his amazing guitar skills in the link below.

Sam Carbone Kool Skools Award


Years 7 and 8 Citizenship, General Excellence, Academic and Sporting Excellence Award Winners for 2023!

Congratulations to all of our Years 7 and 8 Citizenship, General Excellence, Academic and Sporting Excellence Award Winners for 2023!

Congratulations to all Notre Dame Students who received their ATAR scores early in December.

Whilst some are extremely happy with their result, and others not so much, we congratulate you all for your perseverance and hard work over the past few years. Despite unforeseen challenges and circumstances, none of it stopped you and you all made it to the end. That in itself is an achievement you should be so proud of.

Well done!

Notre Dame College

Instrumental Music Programme 2024

The Instrumental Music Programme at Notre Dame College aims to establish and nurture a lifelong love of music in our students.

Private individual lessons are available and taught by specialist tutors during school hours. These lessons are open to all Notre Dame College students, as well as St Brendan's and St Luke's Primary Schools.

Disciplines Available:

  • Drum-Kit
  • Guitar / Electric Bass
  • Piano / Keyboard
  • Public Speaking (new in 2024)
  • Saxophone Theory of Music
  • Violin / Viola
  • Voice / Singing

    Programme Cost In 2024 fees are set at $40.00 per 30 minute lesson.

    Tutors administer their own billing, with payment due at the commencement of each term. Instrumental Music tuition fees are a separate billing matter to Notre Dame College fees.

    Enrolment Forms The link to the enrolment form is attached below. Please note enrolment forms are to be completed by new and continuing students to the programme.

    Notre Dame College Performing Arts Website

    For any enquires or further information you can contact the Instrumental Music Manager, Ms Heather Taylor.

    Noone Uniform