Register your student’s absence on the New Seqta App

or email

or telephone 5822 8400 and follow the prompts

Student Leave Passes

Parents, if your child needs a leave pass during the day it would be preferred that you do NOT phone or email as our office staff may be busy with other tasks


  • Write your child a note the morning of appointment, requesting to leave school at a specific time (if collecting at 2:00PM make your Leave Pass Note for 10 minutes before).
  • The student will then have their note signed by Head of House / Community before Pastoral Group.
  • When it’s time to leave the student will show the signed leave pass to their classroom teacher to be excused.
  • The student will then show their note to Staff at Student Reception and will sign out using the kiosk.
  • Parent/guardians will meet the student in the front of the College

** in extenuating circumstances you can call the office and we will do our best to get message to them in a timely manner

Canteen Volunteers Needed

We are always looking for volunteers! The canteen is a busy and fun environment to work in, interacting with other parents and staff whilst engaging with our wonderful students.

Volunteers work with the Canteen Manager and Assistants on a roster basis (that suits their availability). Volunteers are needed between the hours of 10:00am - 1:30pm each day.

If you would like to help out, please visit the College website for more info:

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Canteen Volunteers

Emmaus Campus.

Another wintery day means one more day closer to Spring.

Emmaus Campus mornings pictured - thanks to Gem Reyes for the photo.

Winter at Emmaus

Sustainability News - Nippy’s Cartons For the Container Deposit Scheme

We are rolling out this short video in the Student Bulletin encouraging students to put their Nippy’s Cartons in our Container Deposit Scheme bins.

Now that our canteen has gone plastic free, Nippy’s cartons seem to be the beverage of choice, and all attract the 10 cent refund which at this point our school directs to Caritas Australia.

So far, we have raised over $200 for Caritas through our CDS program and have high hopes to keep growing that in the weeks and months ahead.

Well done to our Terra Tomadachi group for their amazing work in this space and a special shout out to Anna Rowland and Jodie Rutten for starring in this video.

Who would have thought a simple Nippy’s carton could make such a big difference in the world?

Click here to view:


Australian National Piano Award Young Musicians Concert

Congratulations to our talented Year 9 students, Sam Carbone and Steve Reyes on their performances at the Australian National Piano Award Young Musicians Concert held on Sunday 28 July 2024 at Eastbank,

Year 11 2025
Year 9 2025 Info Evening
Shepp Assessment Service