Open Day 2024
Education is a Partnership

Head Lice

A suspected case of head lice has been seen at the College.

Please check and treat any students who show signs of head lice accordingly.

Please refer to the following HEAD LICE FACT SHEET

St Brendans Sacramental Programme
St Brendan's Youth Mass

Air Force Cadets Visit

Last week, Gus Theil from the Air Force Cadets presented an insightful session to our Year 7 and 8 students, highlighting the opportunities the Air Force Cadets are able to offer.

The presentation covered various aspects, with students particularly intrigued by the leadership opportunities and hands-on experiences which may include piloting aircraft and developing tactical skills.

For further information, please reach out to our Careers Team.

Student Ethical Leadership Day

Sandhurst Senior Student Ethical Leadership Day was held last week at The Woolshed.

This day was developed specifically for senior College Leaders/School Captains and focused on helping students gain a deeper understanding and practical application of ‘ethical and servant leadership’ that they can bring to their leadership practice whilst both at school, and in the wider community.

Sandhurst Education Director Kate Fogarty addressed the gathering in the morning and really set the tone for the day.

Notre Dame Celebrates International Women’s Day

Student leaders from NDC were in attendance to help celebrate and honour women in the lead up to International Women’s Day. The Soroptimist International of Shepparton breakfast at the Parklake included two inspiring guest speakers in Sarah Brockhus and Lisa McKenzie.

The NDC female leaders and teacher Myra Hardy were enthralled with the speeches and the fellowship from the women and guests in attendance.

Italian Study Tour

Senior students involved with the Italian Study Tour gathered to begin preparations for their trip in September. Everyone shared words about themselves to get to know each other and a delicious lunch was provided.

This amazing group of staff and students are very excited to attend this tour.

Daborra Year 9

Not too long to go now until our Year 9 students take off on their Daborra camps, happening from the 18 - 21 March.

Venturing to locations including High Plains and Cathedral Ranges, the students will experience the great outdoors through a variety of exciting activities.

Camp directors taught the students how to set up their tents, use trangias, wear their hiking backpacks and other information for their camps.