And then...there were two

Introducing our newest member of the Learning Diversity Team, Poppy, our 16 week old little sister for Rosie.

Exams are you ready

Year 12 Practice Exams

Notre Dame College will be holding Year 12 Practice exams from Monday 2 October – Thursday 5 October in the Monsignor Bones Hall (first week of Term 4).

It is an expectation that all Year 12 VCE and scored VET students will complete their practice exams during this time frame.

These exams will be held under VCAA exams conditions.

Summer Uniform Changeover

Don't Forget Hats are back for Term 4

Summer Uniform change over will occur in the last week of Term 3 and the first week of Term 4.

This means, all students are required to wear their Winter uniform until at least Monday 11 September.

If students choose to change over to their Summer uniform after that date, they must be wearing the full Summer uniform (not a hybrid).

Remember, scarves are not part of the Summer uniform.

Please ensure all Summer uniform items are of the required length and condition.

The Uniform Shop hours are on the Website, should you need to replace anything

NB: The Uniform Shop will not be open over the Term 3 School Holidays.

Last Day for Term 3

The last day of Term 3 is 15 September 2023.

Please note that school will finish at:

2:15 PM for Knight Street Campus

2:10 PM for Emmaus Campus

and 2:00 PM for MCP Campus

Term 3 School Holiday Opening Hours

Please be advised the main office will be open the first week of the school holidays:

Monday 18 September to Thursday 21 September from 8:00am to 4:00pm.

The Office will be closed from Friday 22 September to Friday 29 September and will re-open

at 8:00am on Monday 2 October 2023

Year 11 Unit 2 Outdoor Environmental Studies Ski Trip at Falls Creek

Who said there was no snow on the mountains!

Snow on the Mountains


Jennings House held a barbeque at lunchtime last Friday to kick off their R U Ok Day initiatives. R U Ok Day is this Thursday, 14 September.

Year 9 Outdoor Education & Environmental Studies Kooyoora State Park

On Monday 4 September, Mr. Fenaughty’s Year 9 Outdoor Education and Environmental Studies class went to Kooyoora State Park for an overnight, two-day hike through the State Park.

The students were fortunate to experience the Melville Caves with some students brave enough to do a squeeze test through a cave from one end to the other. The students also enjoyed the huge granite boulders, some incredibly scenic and somewhat challenging hikes with the opportunity to stop along the way to enjoy the amazing views from some of the lookouts, as well as lots of different fauna and flora.

It was great to see that by the end of the camp, these students were a lot more resilient and capable of challenging themselves than they realised.

UNO Tournament – Fun in the Library

At lunchtime on Thursday students at the Knight St campus had the opportunity to compete in a UNO Tournament held by the Library. It was a bustling event with students from Year 7 to 12 competing for the honour of UNO Champion.

With 8 tables of 4 students competing, winners moved through the rounds. Two champions were crowned. Zaiden from Year 7 and Cohen from Year 10.

Plenty of door prizes were given out to players and spectators. The event was so popular that it might become a regular event!

Year 10 Ball

The Year 10 Ball took place last Friday in the Mercy Centennial Stadium. This much loved event is a highlight for our Year 10 students. After weeks of hard work and practice to perfect their dances, they were able to get dressed up and perform for their families.

We are so proud of the students that participated as they were a joy to work with and embraced the opportunity of being part of a very special evening.

Thank you to all College staff and parents for helping bring the event together, and to our fantastic dance instructor Maree Geisler, for coaching the students. We couldn’t have done it without you.

For photos of the event please go to our College website:

Terra Tomadachi

Notre Dame College sustainability coordinator Phil Guthrie has been doing the rounds of house assemblies promoting responsible waste disposal and our dream for a Litter Free NDC. Please check out his presentation to McGann House students.

RU OK Day 14 September 2024

Here's a video on how you can participate. Are you OK?

Sports Academy Award Lauren Ewart

Year 10 Sports Academy Award

Congratulations to Lucy Ewart from our Year 10 Sports Academy class for being awarded the Term 3 Sports Academy Athlete Award.

This $250 award is being kindly donated each term in 2023 by Brooks Australia for a student who has demonstrated and lived by the Sports Academy values of Kindness, Commitment and Encouragement throughout the Term.

Lucy was voted in by her fellow peers for this award and is a thoroughly deserving winner.

Well done!