Year 7 2025 Enrolments open

Winter Uniform Changeover

All students are required to be in full and correct winter uniform by Monday 29 April.

Even though it is still quite warm at the moment, make sure you are organised and that your winter uniform still fits and is in good condition.

New items of uniform can be purchased from Noone’s Uniforms in Corio St or online at

Explaining Absences

Murray Bush Rangers Representatives for 2024

We congratulate Blake Sofra, Ho

lly Egan, Tillie Henderson and Ashanti Walker for being chosen as part of the Murray Bushrangers in the Coates Talent League.

Holly has been named Vice Captain of the Under 18 Girls.

Certainly players to keep our eye on this year and we know that they will do us proud.

Tillly Henderson

First Aid Training VET Sport Aquatics & Recreation (Year 1)

The VET Sport, Aquatics & Recreation (Year 1) classes undertook a First Aid course presemted by RTO provider SAVILE.

Students were put through their paces practically through a variety of first aid simulated events, including learning how to administer CPR and responding to a variety of emergency situations.

A great day was had by all, and we look forward to students receiving their first aid certificates in the coming month.

Easter Liturgy last day of Term 1

Wednesday marked the final day for Term 1 for students and the College celebrated the Easter Liturgy.

During this time, the community prayerfully walked alongside Jesus as we reflected on the Stations of the Cross. Each is an invitation to contemplate and experience a pivotal moment from Jesus’ sentencing to his death to his burial.

Through our Easter celebrations we recall the heart of our faith - the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Dance Interactive

Awaken Dance Theatre Company are presenting their latest work titled "Dance Interactive". We are excited to showcase a number of our students who are involved in this wonderful opportunity, along with a member of our staff, Kyla McGregor who is the Creative Director.

This fantastic performance is part of the Shepparton Festival and will be held at Rivelinks Studio during the first week of Term 2.

For more information visit:

Dance Interactive

Sunrise at Emmaus Campus

Emmaus groundskeeper and gardener George Lester sent this lovely picture with the following caption "Good morning, How amazing is this Emmaus sunrise. I’m so lucky to work at such a beautiful campus. Thanks".... Indeed you are George, indeed we all are!

Emmaus Sunrise