I have been greatly impressed by reports I have received from Heads of House, Pastoral Group Leaders, and teachers in regard to student work ethic, and their approach to their studies and life in general at school.

Students (like staff) seem genuinely happy to be at school, mixing with peers and friends, and getting into their learning programs.

It has been very pleasing to hear comments relating to students i.e. that they are seeking assistance when needing help, demonstrating great commitment to their work in class and general solid approach to all aspects of schooling.

To those students who a working extremely hard, thank you and keep up the magnificent work. To those students who know they could be working harder, please try to work harder in all aspects of life, set goals that are achievable and listen to your parents and teachers.

Update: Staffing

Each year, many staff complete their time working at each College Campus.

The reasons may be many and varied: the completion of a contract, family leave, taking leave without pay to travel or try new careers, resignation, retirement, transferring to other schools, personal reasons due to a change in family circumstance...

The staff who are leaving have been wonderful teachers and administrators at Notre Dame College, and terrific support to myself, many other staff members, students, and families throughout their time with us. They no doubt have had a huge impact on the lives of many in our community. They will be missed, and I wish them well for their futures.

Staffing our College for 2024 is almost complete.

There have been numerous extremely high-quality staff apply and present for interview over the past month for the many positions that have been advertised.

I am confident that we have employed a strong group of staff that will firstly, complement the excellent staff currently at our College but also ensure that the pastoral, faith, sporting, cultural and academic needs of our students will be attended to in 2024 and beyond in an exemplary and highly productive manner.

Update: Early Commencement Programme (ECP)

As all students now start to think about embedding ECP in the last 2 weeks of 2023, all school staff concentrate on assisting our students to set goals for the year ahead. We will focus on the following:

  • · Setting challenging yet achievable goals - all aspects of life should be about achieving YOUR personal best.
  • · Having excellent time management skills & developing a strong Home Study programme.
  • · Participating in Sport/physical activities throughout the year
  • · Discussions of how much paid employment they should undertake whilst doing senior year levels of schooling.
  • · Looking at the place and amount of social time students participate in through the year and the importance of relationships.
  • · Communication between adolescents/teenagers and their parents.
  • · Potential ability and making sure students strive to always get the best of themselves.
  • · Basic expectations around dress sense, manners, using please and thank you.
  • · How bullying, intimidation and harassment will simply NOT be acceptable.
  • · Appropriate use of technology.
  • · Plus many more topics.

Success in schooling requires many sacrifices. The genius is NOT necessarily the one who is the most successful student. The student who works hard and is consistent with his/her efforts is the great student in my book. Regular study habits and consistency are the keys to success.

May all staff, students and parents keep connected and involved in our great school as we head towards the end of what has been another wonderful and successful year.

John Cortese - Principal

Luigi Gigliotti Scholarship Open to Year 12 Students

The Luigi Gigliotti Scholarship came into being after Notre Dame College was privileged to receive a grant of money from the Estate of a deceased member of our community, who had always held the College in high esteem.

The enduring legacy of invested monies will continue to generate funds for Year 12 student scholarships for tertiary study long into the future.

The intent of this Scholarship is to support students in regard to significant financial constraints that would prevent their family from being able to send their son/daughter to university, or who may face financial difficulty in being able to keep their son/daughter at university.

The Luigi Gigliotti Scholarship may be awarded to an applicant(s) after taking into consideration a range of the following criteria:

· Financial hardship

· Proficiency and application to studies

· Sport and community involvement

· Funds will be presented privately to successful applicant(s) upon receipt by the College of confirmation of the applicant’s enrolment into a university course

Scholarship Applications must be endorsed by the current Year 12 student’s Head of House and are to be handed into Student Reception at the College or directly to Mr. John Cortese by no later than

Friday 17 November, 2023.

Application forms are available for students to collect from Student Reception.

World Teachers' Day

We are blessed to have such an outstanding group of educators and staff working in a wide range of roles at Notre Dame. Friday 27 October was an opportunity to say thank you, and to show appreciation for the significant contributions our staff make to our great College.
