Spring has arrived at Emmaus Campus

If you are visiting our Emmaus Campus, do yourself a favour and check out the pigface gardens ... and the cross is also about to flower.

Sun Safety for Students

With summer and the hot weather fast approaching please read information provided by the Cancer Council in regard to Sun Safety

Students are reminded to seek out shade, wear a hat and wear sunscreen.

Sun Smart

Halloween in the Library

With the freaky season fast approaching, the library has a selection of “chilling reads” for students to borrow.

Students can check out these spooky reads within the display or in the library’s horror or mystery shelving.

We hope you enjoy this Halloween season by being trapped in the reading web

VET Community Services Class

NDC’S first year Community Services class participated in an assessment of first aid at the Knight Street Campus.

This is a new initiative seeing VET trainers teach and assess first aid in various classes at both Knight Street and Emmaus. A terrific opportunity for students to learn valuable skills and confidence in an emergency as part of their VET course.

Shark Tank Marketing Challenge

As part of the Marketing unit in Unit 2 Business Management, students participated in a "Shark Tank Marketing Challenge".

This activity was designed to encourage students to think creatively, develop entrepreneurial and marketing skills, and pitch their innovative business ideas to a panel of "shark" investors.

The innovative business ideas were all futuristic businesses, making the task of pitching it to the Shark Panel even more challenging.

The Shark Panel was made up of NDC staff (both teaching and non-teaching) and local business owners and members of the community.

The Year 11 Business teachers Ms O’Connor, Mr Saracino, Mr Lindsay and Mr Tricarico want to congratulate all of the students on their amazing presentations.

They would also like to thank all of the members of the Shark Panel, who so generously donated their time and expertise to make this an authenticate and valuable learning experience for the students.

Head Lice

There have been reported cases of head lice at NDC.

Please make yourself familiar with precautions and treatment of head lice via the Head Lice Fact Sheet

Head Lice

The NDC Year 10 Theatre Studies Class present Jonathan Rand's "Check Please: Take 2"

Get your tickets here: https://tinyurl.com/ndcYear10play2023

Please Check Take 2

Instrumental Music 2024
Cool Heads