Student Free Day

The next student free day is on Friday 21 June 2024.

Phone Policy Update

We have recently reviewed our Personal Electronic Devices (PED) policy to bring it in line with the Department of Education, Victoria guidelines. This has meant a change in our expectations around students and their carrying of personal electronic devices (including mobile phones) at school. This policy will come into effect from Monday, 15 July. Students have already received communication around the changes, but we are asking parents to also be aware of the update. In particular, students will no longer be permitted to use personal electronic devices to make purchases at the College canteen or cafes. Furthermore, students are not permitted to use their mobiles phones at all during school hours (between the first and final bells of the day), and smartwatches are required to have their notifications turned off.

Student Leave Passes

Parents, if your child needs a leave pass during the day it would be preferred that you do NOT phone or email as our office staff may be busy with other tasks


  • Write your child a note the morning of appointment, requesting to leave school at a specific time (if collecting at 2:00PM make your Leave Pass Note for 10 minutes before).
  • The student will then have their note signed by Head of House / Community before Pastoral Group.
  • When it’s time to leave the student will show the signed leave pass to their classroom teacher to be excused.
  • The student will then show their note to Staff at Student Reception and will sign out using the kiosk.
  • Parent/guardians will meet the student in the front of the College

** in extenuating circumstances you can call the office and we will do our best to get message to them in a timely manner

NDC General Assembly June 2024

Notre Dame College warmly invites parents / guardians of current students to attend our Term 2 General Assembly to be held in Mercy Centennial Stadium on Tuesday 25 June 2024.

Our College Captains will be leading this event, other items include a performance by some of our 2024 Production Group.

Entry via Skene Street gate only, tickets will be scanned. Parents and guardians are asked to be seated by 9am.

Any questions please email

Year 12 VCE VTAC Information Night

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to invite you to our Year 12 VCE VTAC Information night, designed to provide comprehensive guidance and support for the final stages of your child’s secondary education journey.


Date: 26 June 2024

Time: 6:00 - 7:00pm

Venue: Knight Street Campus (Location to be confirmed)

During this session, we will cover crucial information about the VTAC University Application Process, SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) Applications, Course Preferencing, GAP Year options, and other essential aspects of the final year process for Year 12 students.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to understand the steps and decisions your child will be making as they prepare for their future Pathways into University.

Please Note: This will be a parent focussed session.

Students will have an opportunity to engage in sessions with their peers from 24 to 25 June 2024.

RSVP by: 21 June, 2024 by clicking the following link:

OR by using the following QRCode for Yr 12 Parent Information Night - VTAC .png

VTAC Information Night

School Production - The Drowsy Chaperone


Riverlinks Westside - Echuca Road, Mooroopna

Notre Dame College invites you to disappear into the decadent world of the 1920s, where the champagne flows, the caviar chills, and the entire world becomes a party.

Thursday 25 July, 7:30pm
Friday 26 July, 7:30pm
Saturday 27 July, 2:00pm
Saturday 27 July, 7:30pm

In a darkened theatre audiences are welcomed by the peculiar Man in Chair, a die-hard musical theatre fan, who welcomes us into his living room. He drops the needle on his all-time favourite album, The Drowsy Chaperone, an outrageously funny musical set in the decadent world of the 1920s.As the record spins the show bursts into life complete with starlets, gangsters, and all manners of mayhem. It is a colourful musical with vaudeville gags and tap-dance galore!Through the narration of the record, the audience is introduced to Janet van de Graaff, a young starlet about to give up her career on the stage to marry the dashing Robert Martin. However, between Janet's drowsy chaperone, the forgetful hostess Mrs. Tottendale, Latin lothario Aldolpho, and Janet's calculating producer, Feldzieg, there are more than enough hijinks to keep us entertained!

Drowsy Chaperone Production