“Love your Library.” Fall in love with a romance novel or any other genre, perhaps fantasy, humour, horror or anything that takes your fancy.
Thank you to Emmi Rachele for her beautiful work putting this display together for Valentine’s Day.
On the 17th Anniversary of the National Apology, Notre Dame College Captains Will Clurey and Gracielle Igat read the apology that was first read by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2008.
A special morning spent acknowledging the strength of the Stolen Generations and reaffirming our commitment to truth, justice, and healing. This gathering was an opportunity to share and stand together as a community.
Doing our bit to protect and nurture the natural environment is a huge part of our Notre Dame College ethos. Here, our Sustainability Leaders Grace Lewin and Saliha Ozen introduce a new initiative to ban soft plastic waste from our main oval after listening to concerns from neighbouring residents.
This is the first step in what we hope can lead to the eradication of plastic waste from our College and we are inviting all students and their families to jump on board.
For further information or to complete an application please visit the College website: https://www.notredame.vic.edu.au/.../instrumental-music...
Have the kids grown a little over the holidays?
Would a spare uniform or two reduce the daily washing pressures?
Is last year's uniform looking a bit wild and woolly?
The Thrift Shop is open every Wednesday from 3:30PM to 4:15PM and is located where the old school uniform shop used to be (Corio Ave, enter the College gates and it is on the right hand side, beside the oval).
Email phillip.guthrie@notredame.vic.edu.au with any inquiries.