2024 Honour Board

Students featured on the honour board were either DUX in their Year Levels in 2023, DUX in VCAL in 2023, the top achievers in the ATAR (Year 12 results) in 2023, Special Award recipients or are our College Leaders in 2024.

Congratulations to all students (and their families) who are featured on the honour board

A truly well-deserved and great achievement.

Parents, please feel free to view this Honour Board in the Reception area when you next visit the school.

Students, please make it a goal to feature on this Board in future - truly something to aspire to.

Honour Board
College Open Tours
Attendance Matters
St Brendans Youth Mass

Year 12 Graduation 2024

We can now confirm the date for Year 12 Graduation for 2024.

This year’s Graduation will be held on Thursday 21 November 2024 at Eastbank, Shepparton.

Further details will be advised in Term 3 about this, as well as the Year 12 students’ final week at school.

Head Lice

Dear Parents/Guardians

It has come to my attention that some students in the school may have head lice and I seek your cooperation in checking your child’s hair.

Head lice do not transmit infectious diseases – they are transmitted by having head-to-head contact with someone who has head lice.

What can you do?

Please check your child’s hair and in those instances where head lice or eggs are found - treat your child’s hair. Please refer to the following LINK with information in regards to treating and preventing head lice.

If you require additional information please don’t hesitate to contact your child's Head of House on

58228 400 or email katie.emanuelli@notredame.vic.edu.au

When can my child return to school?

Health regulations requires that where a child has head lice, that child should not return to school until the day after appropriate treatment has started. Please note, this refers only to those children who have live head lice and does not refer to head lice eggs.

Notre Dame College is aware that head lice can be a sensitive issue and is committed to maintaining your confidentiality.

Kind regards

Emma Reynoldson
Deputy Principal

Notre Dame College Year 12 Theatre Studies Class

Tracks Theatre Studies

A group of strangers meet in a dirty subway station. They have arrived with limited personal belongings, their watches have stopped, and they all claim to be in different cities. Soon they learn there is no way out of the station, and the unfortunate truth is told to them: they are all dead.

Since subway stations have two sides, they reason the train leaving from one platform must be bound for heaven, while the train leaving from the other platform must be bound for hell. But which platform are they on? They reflect upon their lives, recalling and confessing past deeds of which they are not proud, hoping to figure out which platform is which. The arrival of someone from the other platform only complicates matters, and the answer remains unclear.

As the subway train finally approaches, they must decide whether to stay and ponder their actions further, or to have faith and climb aboard to their final destination.

COST: Free - Bookings required Monday 25 March and Tuesday 26 March 2024

CONTACT: Riverlinks Box Office - (03) 5832 9511

TICKETS: https://tinyurl.com/ndcYear12play2024

2024 VET Classes

2024 is certainly off and running, with Notre Dame College's Wednesday VET programmes well underway.

The Year 1 VET students in various programs are kitted up in their new uniforms and are completing the theory and practical components of their respective courses.

VET Agriculture

Ag students are enjoying their blended learning environment, spending lots of time out on the Growing Hope Farm and have lots of exciting excursions coming up.

VET Health

Along with Agriculture, the Year 1 VET Health students are fortunate to attend classes at La Trobe in Shepparton. To keep themselves, their patients and colleagues safe, students are learning about the importance of infection control and prevention in the Health industry.

VET Early Childhood

Finally, our Year 1 Early Childhood Education and Care students are in the midst of discussing foundation requirements for the industry and had a visit from the local council and Goulburn Murray Local Learning Education Network to go over their industry placements

With 18 different VET offerings at NDC there will be lots more updates to come throughout the year. Stay tuned.

UNO Tournament

On Thursday, students participated in a UNO Tournament. I think this is the loudest the library has been! Lots of fun was had and the overall winner was Year 8 student Riley Taylor.

Highly Accomplished Teacher Certification

Congratulations to Lyndel Annett for receiving the Highly Accomplished Teacher Certification.

To achieve this national certification, Lyndel has completed extensive programmes that go above and beyond classroom hours. How lucky are we to have a teacher of this calibre - demonstrating excellence personally and also paving the way for future educators in the teaching profession.

Lyndel recently received her certificate at a celebration that was held at the Catholic Leadership Centre and is pictured here with Sandhurst Qualified Assessor and Deputy Principal, Kris Walker.

Accomplisted Teacher Certification