Consent Can’t Wait

Open discussions about consent in relationships are crucial at the high school level for both parents and students. These conversations establish a foundation of understanding boundaries, respect, and mutual agreement, essential for healthy relationships.

Discussing consent helps students understand their rights and the importance of respecting others' boundaries. It emphasises that everyone has the right to make decisions about their own bodies and personal space, which must be respected. This understanding can help prevent incidents of sexual harassment and assault, which are concerns in high school settings.

These discussions also help dispel myths and misconceptions. Teenagers often receive mixed messages about relationships from social media and peers. Candid conversations allow parents to provide clear, accurate information and correct any false beliefs, such as what constitutes consent and the importance of verbal and enthusiastic agreement.

Open discussions build trust and communication between parents and teenagers, encouraging them to share their experiences and concerns. This creates a supportive relationship where teenagers feel comfortable seeking advice and help.

Understanding consent also helps teenagers develop better communication skills, learning the importance of discussing boundaries and expectations openly with partners. This not only benefits their current interactions but also sets a strong foundation for future relationships.

Discussions about consent are essential for fostering respectful, safe, and healthy relationships among high school students.

Wellbeing Consent