Open Day 2024

Severe Weather Advice

Any decision to close the school as a result of severe weather will be taken in light of local conditions and an assessment of risk in relation to safety and appropriate staffing levels. The decision will be made in consultation with the CES and will be informed by CFA updates. Where possible, advanced warning will be given but parents/guardians should follow the steps below if they need to check the status of the school in the mornings.

The Notre Dame College Emmaus Campus is on the ‘bushfire at risk register (BARR)’ and will be closed when there is Catastrophic Fire Risk. If this occurs we will communicate with families as soon as we are able with detailed plans.

How to find out if the school is closed after a night or weekend of severe weather:

· A text message will be sent to parents/guardians

· Check the school website and social media.

Closure of school during the working day:

· Occasionally, if the weather deteriorates during the day a decision has to be taken to send the students and staff home early while roads are still passable

· Check that transport will be available to take them home at the end of the day. The College will communicate any information we get from bus companies about their services to families

· We will inform parents/guardians that students are being sent home early and if we are unable to make contact, the pupils will remain in school

Should the weather deteriorate in your area and you are concerned about your child's journey home, if you decide to collect them from school early, please telephone the school to inform us and report to Reception when you arrive.

Subsequent Day(s)

Should a subsequent day(s) of closure be necessary, the methods listed above will be used to notify all parents/guardians.

Citizenship Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received Greater Shepparton Citizenship Awards:

· Tanz Dellar - Tatura Junior Sports Award

· Mia Ludeman - Dookie Junior Sports Award

· Jack Edwards - Shepparton Junior Sports Award

· Brianna Pleming - Dookie Young Citizen of the Year (former student, not pictured)

The Notre Dame College community is very proud of your achievements - well done!

Congratulations Gabriella Vittorio

We would like to congratulate Gabriella Vittorio (former student 2023) whose VCE artwork from Art Making and Exhibiting, will be in this year’s Top Arts Exhibition at The Ian Potter Centre Fed Square, Melbourne.

You may remember, Gabriella was short listed late last year along with fellow peer Maria Abblitt. Around 1600 students applied for Top Arts and from this 120 were short listed. From the short-listed students 40 artworks have been chosen for the Exhibition which will run from March to July.

What a great way for Gabriella to finish her high school experience!

To view Gabriella's artwork and the inspiration behind her pieces, please visit our website

Harmony Week Planning

Junior and senior students have gathered together to discuss plans for the upcoming Harmony Week in March 2024 - they are making good progress with their plans.

Senior Swimming Carnival

On Wednesday last week, the College held it's Senior School Swimming Carnival at Aquamoves Shepparton. The hot weather made for a perfect day to jump in and have a swim, with lots of high energy and a wonderful turn out.

Students from Year 9 to 12 showed off their House spirits by dressing up in their respective colours and all kinds of bright and creative costumes.

Careers Excursion to Latrobe Uni and Carlton College

Our Careers Team and 18 students had an incredible Sports & Sports Health Excursion at La Trobe University and Carlton College!

At La Trobe, students delved into the Aspire Program, took a Campus Tour, and explored the state-of-the-art Sports Sciences Facilities and Business areas.

Carlton College provided valuable insights into the dynamic sports industry, shedding light on the various roles and employment opportunities awaiting our students.

Exciting times ahead are planned across Careers as we continue to expand our Industry Immersion & Excursion program, ensuring hands-on learning experiences aligned to our with students' career interests.

Big Bang Theory at Emmaus

Are you planning your next holiday? Maybe to a very unique destination?

How about THE MOON or MARS???

On Monday, 19 February the Year 9 Big Bang Theory class took the first step to achieving their travel plans. Each student built their rocket according to their own design, looking at things like wing design, material and aerodynamics. These stomp rockets were launched from the oval at Emmaus. The height of each launch was determined and compared to the average of the group. Using this the students can determine which design features worked the best.

Maybe in a couple of decades, these students may be looking down at Emmaus from space.


Reflection and Connection

Staff at NDC participated in our first Reflection and Connection session on Wednesday.

These sessions are scheduled once per term to provide a very intentional time for staff to reflect and connect with each other. We are a large staff spread across different locations and we don’t always have time in our day to pause, get to know each other, build collegiality, or just have a bit of fun.

Activities included board games, Move It Move It, Pickle Ball, Science Experiment, Biscuit Tin Activity, Cards, Book Club, Origami or walking.

Pictured here are some staff enjoying some baking!

Year 7 and 8 Swimming Carnival

What a cracking day it turned into for the Year 7-8 Swimming Carnival! Even more wonderful colours and costumes to show, the students brought the greatest energy to the pool.

Not only swimming, many joined in on activities including the three legged and wheel-barrow races. Well done to all who participated throughout the day and those that helped bring together such an amazing event.