Disconnect Legislation

Register your student’s absence on the New Seqta App

Students feeling unwell at School

If your student is feeling unwell whilst at school they must advise their teacher.

The teacher will sign their student planner to advise the office staff that they are allowed to leave their classroom.

Students will be able to go to Sick Bay only after their planner has been signed.

Students are NOT TO CALL OR EMAIL their PARENTS.

The staff in Student Reception/Sick Bay will assess your child’s condition and contact you.

Le Rosey Retreat Day

Last week Year 7 and 8 Game Changers students attended the ‘Le Rosey Retreat Day’ at Marcellin College, Bulleen. The event was attended by students from seven Victorian Marist schools.

The day included discussions, games and a pasta-tower building competition to help students build their confidence, leadership and teamwork skills..

Year 10 Retreat and Wellbeing Days

On Monday and Tuesday last week our Year 10 students attended their Retreat and Wellbeing Days.

The Wellbeing Day focused on goal setting and planning for the future – doing what you love.

Darren Pereira presented with DJ Timmy, his Shape Your Destiny program. The students had a dance practice in preparation for the Year 10 Ball and the day concluded with a careers session from La Trobe University presenters and our Careers team.

The other part of the programme was a Retreat Day where students participated in a faith based Retreat at Emmaus Campus, designed by our Youth Ministry Trainees. The day truly shone with the focus on our 2024 school theme “Let your light lead the way”

Students embraced our theme by participating in small group activities presented by our House Captains, Heads of House and Pastoral Group Leaders. These sessions fostered a belief in students to each find the light in their lives and to shine bright for others.

Students were able to immerse themselves in a day filled with inspiration, growth and meaningful connections, before finishing the day off with a special session by Indigenous singer/songwriter Scott Darlow who inspired and educated the students to follow the morals of FLUTE (forgiveness, love, understanding, tolerance and empathy).

Celebrating Principal’s Day

On Victorian Principal's Day last Friday, we celebrated and thanked our Principal John Cortese for all he does as educator and leader of our College community.

John said: "To me every day is National or Victorian Principals Day, as I certainly have the best job in the world, and I tell plenty of people that. I love my job and hope to continue to do it well for many more years to come. I cannot do it alone, but with the incredible support of our teachers, support staff and the families that make up this wonderful College. I wish all other colleagues and Principals across Victoria a very Happy Principal Day!"

John was captured with Ann Sexton from Sexton Consulting enjoying morning tea in our hospitality Dining Room.

Snackies is a simulated Cafe Hospitality Dining Room with the purpose of the café being an assessment for our first-year hospitality students.

The assessment is not on the actual food, but rather for the units “use hospitality skills effectively” (front of house service), dealing with socially diverse customers, interacting with customers, as well as teamwork and communication skills.

Furphy Literary Award - Malavika Shibu

Congratulations to Year 7 student Malavika Shibu who was recently awarded second prize in the Junior Short Story Furphy Literary Competition.

"I heard about the competition from my teacher, Mrs Roberts. I entered the Junior Poetry and Short Story sections online. The short story could be any genre but had to be 2000 words or less. I entered a fictional story titled 'A Lady's Treasure' which came second place. I also entered a poem titled 'Grow' which received a commendation."

Here is a snippet of Malavika's story and her beautifully written poem:

A Lady's Treasure

'My limbs refuse. The clock chimes eight o’clock. The ceremony is starting and I’m supposed to be at the Throne room. My brain recovers and my legs move. I dart through the front gate of Rosewood into the darkness that welcomes me happily. Multiple pairs of heavy footsteps approach me in the street. A small, strong hand reaches out and grabs my arm, yanking me into a claustrophobic alleyway. Deep auburn hair fills my vision and I start to speak when a face filled with freckles turns my way. The girl puts a hand up to her lips and shushes me. Somehow I trust her and my stomach tells me it’s the right decision. The footsteps fade away and my head is buzzing with eager questions...'


In the midst of the cries of the earth
We have to grow
When those who have lived their life to the fullest leave
We have to grow
When blood is shed in war
We have to grow
When dawn bleeds into dusk
We have to grow
Time doesn’t wait so amidst the problems that confront us
We have to grow
So that the flowers inside us bloom
So that we can gain courage to mend our broken hearts.

Thank you Malavika for sharing your incredible words with us, you have a very bright future ahead of you.

Malavika Literary Award

Furphy Literary Award Participants

Congratulations to the Notre Dame College students who participated in the Furphy Literary Award Youth and Junior Competition 2024:

  • Danica Daunt
  • Eliza Cowen
  • Jasmin Jo
  • Lilly Fidock
  • Malavika Shibu
  • Ann Eeraly
  • Mia Dainton
  • Qunoot Shaikh
  • Batul Mgoter
  • Darcy Mintern
  • Noor Mgoter
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