Tayla Barber

Tayla Barber

2005 – 2023

Notre Dame College Community are deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected death of one of our Year 12 students, Tayla Barber, as a result of a car accident.

Tayla was a valued member of MacKillop house. She has a sister, Lauren, in Year 10, and a brother Jared, in Year 9.

Tayla was to sit her final VCE exam this week.

We extend our prayerful sympathy to Tayla’s family and friends.

Tayla was a kind-hearted, mature young lady with a bright future before her. She was a diligent & kind student who valued her friendships and will be missed by all.

We extend our deepest condolences on behalf of the College Community to Jenny, Malcom, Lauren, Jared and their extended family, and all Tayla’s friends.

God of love and mercy,
Embrace all those
Whose hearts today
Overflow with grief,
Unanswered questions
And such a sense of loss.
Grant them space
To express their tears.
Hold them close
Through the coming days.

Tayla, may you now rest in the arms of our peaceful loving God.

Care for our community:

At this time of sudden loss, it is important that we all look out for each other in the coming weeks. We will all have different reactions to Tayla’s death, and it may bring up sadness you may have for the loss of other loved ones. Some people will show very distressed feelings and others may hold their feelings more privately. These feelings are all normal responses to grief. We must try to be non-judgmental of others, be sensitive to the individual journey each person takes as they process their grief, and to care for each other during this difficult time.

For any parents who are concerned about their child, please note Headspace in Shepparton have extended their services as a matter of priority to all senior Notre Dame students. They can be contacted via phone on 5823 8800; or online at: https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/shepparton/

If you are concerned for your child’s immediate safety or wellbeing, please contact your GP, present to the Emergency Department at GV Health or call 000 for emergency services.

Your young person can also reach out to:

Kids Helpline: Ph: 1800 55 1800

https://kidshelpline.com.au/teens https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-help/webchat-counselling

If the issue for your young person is non-urgent, or if you find yourself experiencing feelings of overwhelm, please contact one of the following agencies:

  • Goulburn Valley Area Mental Health (available 24 hours) Ph: 1300 369 005
  • Lifeline (24/7) Ph: 131114
Wellbeing Support Service seeks to build and enhance the wellbeing capacity of our community through the values of:
Authenticity, Empathy, Inclusivity, Collaboration and Service.