Principal John Cortese


What an extraordinary past few weeks (generally Term 3 as a whole)!!

Many need to be thanked for contributions made that are above and beyond what is expected on a day to day basis.

I will list some individual thanks and please I apologise if I miss any activity, event or individual.

However, all of the items below have contributed to making us such a special school and a school that hopefully we all love being a part of.

I know I love my job and our school and our broader community!!

Thanks to:

Wellbeing and Retreat days for Year 10

  • The benefit of these days is never immediately obvious
  • We see the benefits when students start to manage their lives, in the spiritual, emotional, social and academic sense
  • Thank you to all the staff involved in the overall planning and leadership of these days
  • To all the staff who participated in some way, thank you for your invaluable contributions

Subject Selection Information Evenings

  • Always a challenging time for students and parents as students start looking into what their futures may be
  • The Information Evenings were superbly planned
  • Continued support by key staff now ensure students select the right courses for their future
  • Thanks to Kris Walker, Susan Nabbs, the Learning and Teaching Team the Careers Team, the staff who offered subject advice on the actual evenings, and all staff who support this group to facilitate the programme

All staff at Notre Dame College

  • Thanks to all staff who work at our great college and make it such a special place to be a part of
  • Keep enjoying your work, the colleagues you work with and the students/parents we educate on a daily basis